Time Image Person 2004
Visual environment - working primarily with the phenomenon of packaging and wrapping... key concepts - time, image, personality, body as a container, packaging than fiction, bonding, consumer need for blindness. It consists of more than 20 projects, in terms of technology work for example with vocabulary J. Geržová - Fine lines Dictionary 20th st. and the practical implementation of all directions using a technique that provides the most obvious arte povera, site-specific, process-art, art from waste, environment, installation, video art (mail art, book author - text portion designed as an attachment = 69 pages, the main part = pictorial section - 300 pages. xero = colored paper, transparencies, tracing paper, laminates... photos, drawings...) Paperback: thesis was glued adhesive tapes of different colors, resulting in an impression of the ending of layering, with everything all connected, sticky element I believe in working for what connects theoretical and practical part - as I said that I will continue to stick. One version of the theoretical part was printed on blue paper - the reason: complementarity - an optical illusion, were bundled pink glasses for a printed version of white paper, the following have been enclosed for example cinnamon gum, all work was carefully packed in several packages and tied with a ribbon and was meant primarily as a gift. The tutor has received half of the image attachment and an opponent of the second part --- if they wanted to evaluate the thesis, was necessary to communicate with each other... They were bundled postcards and postage stamps for sending the evaluation the author, the creation of the thesis I have really enjoyed, and so was the intention that the recipients of this work and the reading taken at least as much as I enjoyed my work. Copy art, cumulation, the appropriation, does not avoid painting, sculpture, prints ... for the needs I have created a new concept – sign art = signing works. Project to serve the didactic point of view as a training device is self-explanatory. It was an interactive project, created and installed gradually over two years in different parts of the world (New York, Utah, Los Angeles, Bratislava, Martin, Banska Bystrica, Martin, Zvolen, Makarska Riviera...) was the most visible and cumulative in UMB KVU hall areas where the damage of Fake Street Walk, and where the project was later presented as a thesis. The most visible time - The "virus Joe" (the name was connected with the film Lemonade Joe - video single in a Dress I worked with color filters - blue and pink) was carried out by gradually sticking the areas of the department. I use different packages for different products, like sticking a transparent adhesive tape - the sound became significant for the entire project and during the presentation of the kite as the soundtrack as if it attacked the virus. The virus into the role I have styled me (its formation was dated the day of my birth - the official legally verifiable proof of existence). Virus, raised questions as traditional: whether art is more a matter of good technical skill in a final performance or thought, or ..., to express personal feeling of joy of creation. The theoretical part contains more species of my CV, one of them was the example of CV dressing, this work is in itself accumulates in almost everything I've ever created from childhood - it can be seen as a portfolio.

?as Image Osobnos? 2004
diplomová práca
Výtvarný environment – pracujúci predovšetkým s fenoménom obalov a obalovania....k?ú?ové pojmy – ?as, image, osobnos?, telo ako obal, obal ako fikcia, lepenie, spotrebná potrebná slepota . Tvorý ho viac ako 20 projektov, z h?adiska technológie pracujem napr. so slovníkom J. Geržovej – Slovník výtvarných smerov 20. st. a v praktickej realizácii používam všetky smery a techniky ktoré uvádza, najviditelnejšie arte povera, site specific, procesuálne umenie, umenie z odpadu, environment, inštalácia, videoart (mail art, autorská kniha - textová ?as? = koncipovaná ako príloha 69 st., hlavná ?as? = obrazová ?as? - 300 str. xero = farebné papiere, fólie, pauzák, lamináty...foto, kresby... – väzba: diplomová práca bola lepená lepiacimi páskami rôznych farieb, výsledkom bol dojem nekon?iaceho sa vrstvenia, všetko so všetkým súvisí, lepivý element považujem v práci za to, ?o prepája praktickú a teoretickú ?as? - ke?že som uviedla, že v doliepaní budem na?alej pokra?ova? – 1 verzia teoretickej ?asti bola vytla?ená na modrom papiery – dôvod: komplementarita – optický klam, pribalené boli ružové okuliare pre verziu vytla?enú na bielom papieri, ?alej boli pribalené napr. škoricové žuva?ky, celá práca bola starostlivo zabalená v nieko?kých obaloch a previazaná maš?ou a bola myslená predovšetkým ako dar?ek, pri?om vedúci diplomovej práce dostal polovicu obrazovej prílohy a oponent druhú ?as?---ak chceli hodnoti? diplomovú prácu, bolo potrebné aby spolu komunikovali..pribalené boli aj poh?adnice a poštové známky, ur?né na zaslanie hodnotenia autorke ?, tvorbu diplomovej práce som si naozaj užívala, a tak bolo zámerom aby si aj recipienti tejto práce jej ?ítanie užívali aspo? tak, ako som si ja užívala jej tvorbu) copy art, kumulácia, apropriácia, nevyhýbam sa ani ma?be, soche, grafike, kresbe... pre vlastné potreby som si vytvorila nový pojem - signizmus = signovanie diel) projekt slúžil z didaktického h?adiska ako výu?bová názorná pomôcka), projekt bol interaktívny, vznikol a bol inštalovaný postupne v priebehu 2 rokov v rôznych ?astiach sveta (New York, Utah, Los Angels, Bratislava, Martin, Banská Bystrica, Martin, Zvolen, Makarska riviera...) najviac bol kumulovaný a vidite?ný v chodbových priestoroch UMB KVU, kde vznikla ulica Walk of Fake, a kde bol projekt neskôr aj prezentovaný ako diplomová práca – jeho najviditelnejšia ?as? – projekt „vírus Joe“ (názov súvisel s filmom Limonádový Joe – vo videách Jedenie a Obliekanie som pracovala s farebnými filtrami – ružovým a modrým) bol realizovaný formou postupného obliepania priestorov katedry (používala som rôzne obaly od rôznych produktov, lepila som priesvitnou lepiacou páskou – jej zvuk sa stal signifikantný pre celý tento projek a po?as prezentácie bol púš?aný ako soundtrack) akoby ju napadol vírus – do role vírusu som sa štylizovala ja ( jeho vznik bol datovaný d?om môjho narodenia – oficiálny právne overite?ný dôkaz existencie) vírus vzbudzoval tradi?né otázky, ?i je umenie viac záležitos?ou dobre technicky zvládnutej výslednej realizácie alebo myslenia, alebo ..., s cie?om vyjadri? osobný pocit radosti z tvorenia, teoretická ?as? práce obsahovala viac druhov mojich životopisov, jedným z nich bol napr. životopis obliekania, táto práca v sebe kumuluje v podstate všetko, ?o som doteraz vytvorila od detstva – je možné ju vníma? ako portfólio.
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en text