Winter semester - Pingu - the emergence of
installation / video / graphic comix
Stylize myself into position and form of the penguin (in each person is hiding an animal ... but what?) Because of similarities of character (naivety, credulity ,....) + year period. Materials Processing - polystyrene - extruded polystyrene material than is currently visible very often because insulation buildings. Penguin has a body that he is so well insulated that snow is on it does not heat, it must be to shake off, even though the body temperature of 39 ° C. 3D Pingu measured 158 cm and stood on the floe measuring 1m x 1m, which is the approximate size of living space in penguin colonies, like people in the cities, which often do not have a large living space (immigration, I was in Bratislava and I feel like). Another feature is the uniformity that is characteristic for Penguin, and for people in big cities. For a given project was drawn comic, and created a video that was necessary for the comic with edited to 3 minutes. version, shading trimming music group Penguin Cafe Orchestra. Pingu was installed, with the participation Alex Hardy in Bratislava, on a lake big Draždiak 13.1.2007.

Zimný semester - pingu - vznik
inštalácia / video / kreslený comix
Štylizácia mojej osoby do polohy a podoby penguina (v každom ?loveku sa, skráva nejaké zviera..., ale ake?:) z dôvodu charakterových podobností (naivita, dôver?ivos?,....) + ro?ného obdobia. Materialové spracovanie – polystyrén – extrudovaný polystyrén, ako materiál momentálne ve?mi ?asto vidite?ný z dôvodu zatep?ovnia budov. Penguin má telo, ktoré mu je nato?ko dobrou izoláciou, že sneh sa na ?om netopí, musí ho zo seba striasa?, aj ke? má telesnú teplotu 39 °C. 3D Pingu meral 158 cm a stál na kryhe s rozmermi 1m x 1m, ?o je približný rozmer životného priestoru penguinov húfujúcich sa v kolóniách, podobne ako sa húfujú ?udia vo ve?komestách, kde tiež ?asto nemajú ve?ký životný priestor (pris?ahovala som sa do Bratislavy a mala som podobný dojem). ?alší znakom je uniformita, ktorá je charakteristická aj pre penguinov, aj pre ?udí vo ve?komeste. K danému projektu bol nakreslený comix, a vytvorený videozáznam, ktorý bol zostrihaný pre potreby comixu do 3 min. verzie, podfarbenej zostrihanou hudbou skupiny Penguin cafe orchestra. Pingu bol inštalovaný, za ú?asti otužilca Alexa v Bratislave, na hladine jazera Ve?ký Draždiak 13.1.2007.