When Van Damme philosophically
Careful when talking about the cover, talking about the envelope, you send mail. I'm talking about the cover, which encloses everything. The carton biscuits, bags of cocaine, your soul ... packaging, envelope, it is something global, generally associated only with the soul. It could be argued that the biscuits have a soul. But before it was milk, eggs, and eggs is a potential life. Biscuits are the envelope hidden in the hen, so truly. Believe me it's all just a matter (consciousness). A cookie is even physically distinct from the bottle of milk and chickens, it dwells in the soul the bottle and chickens. And you do you feel when you eat. I love nuts. You want a beer and you got full his teeth taste. And so they give nuts. Nuts are soft and salty, strong and gentle as a woman. Eat nuts, it is really strong feeling. Once again they got the taste for beer. Nuts means constant movement in a person's life.

Ke? Van Damme filozofuje
Pozor, ke? hovorím o obálke, nehovorím o obálke, ktorú posielaš poštou. Hovorím o obale, ktorý všetko oba?uje. O škatuli keksov, vrecku kokaínu, tvojej duši...Obal, obálka, to je nie?o globálne, vo všeobecnosti spojené výhradne s dušou. Možno namietneš, že keksy nemajú dušu. Ale predtým to bolo mlieko, vají?ka, a vo vají?kach je potencionálny život. Keksy sú obálkou schovanou v sliepke, veru áno. VER MI VŠETKO JE TO LEN OTÁZKOU ( UVEDOMENIA SI. A hoci je keks fyzicky odlišný od f?aše mlieka a sliepky, prebýva v ?om duša f?aše a sliepky. A TY TO CÍTIŠ, KE? JEŠ. Zbož?ujem oriešky. Dáš si jedno pivo a už máš plné zuby jeho chute. A tak si dáš oriešky. Oriešky sú jemné a slané, silné a nežné ako žena. Jes? oriešky, to je naozaj silný pocit. Po nich máš znovu chu? na pivo. Oriešky znamenajú neustály pohyb v živote ?loveka.